CruisingSun Odyssey 45

Kirkland to Port Townsend

I’m waiting for inspiration to make a real post, so for now just a short update: yesterday’s motor from Kirkland to Port Townsend went fabulously smoothly. (A little too smoothly, as the wind didn’t break 2 knots the entire motor up. Hoping for sailing today across the straits, but the forecast isn’t promising. If you ask my mom, a glassy motor across the straits is a dream day on the boat.)

We left port before 7 am; all the bridges opened for us right away; we got to give a show for the Duck-riding tourists by opening the Ballard Bridge for them; then we were directed right into the small locks.

Going through the locks with Mo was a ton of fun, since she’s getting old enough to be interested in the science of it, so we just sat on the bow together for about 30 minutes talking about oceans and lakes, saltwater and freshwater, different water levels, and the importance of maintaining these differences. Then on the passage out, we saw a few porpoises, and spent some time online learning about whales and dolphins and porpoises. One of my favorite things about cruising with the girls are all the opportunities to not only teach the girls, but also learn together. (Need to think about how that’s going to happen when we leave the internet-laced Salish Sea.)

Today’s destination is Wescott/Garrison Bay!
