CruisingSun Odyssey 45

A New Adventure Begins

And so, she sang. She sang because it was the most pure expression of joy she’d discovered in nearly five years on this earth, and it was the only expression appropriate for the most pure form of joy she felt each time her feet left land. She was at peace on this boat. She had freedom, and safety, and love, and separation, and learning, and experience, and everything a four-year-old could ever need or want on this boat. Wherever she lived, this boat was her home. 

She sang louder, her peace and calm and joy increasing with every note. The darkness of her berth didn’t bother her; nor did her sister sleeping next to her. She was her own anchor, her own oasis, in a sea without physical existence, only her contentment.  

It wouldn’t last long. In only a few minutes, her two-year-old sister would roll over and smack her in the ribs. It’s true, she should let her sister sleep.  Mama and Daddy said many times how late it was, and it was all the way dark out; that’s how she knew it was past bedtime.  But in the moment, the joy of being back on the boat, at the start of a new adventure, was all there was.