
We have a blog!

Yay!  We have a blog now!  I have no idea what to say about this endeavor except that it’s crazy!  I’ve spent at least 5 nights in a row thinking about all the things that need to be planned for and dealt with.

My big project over the upcoming planning phase is to find a way to make some sort of income while at sea.  Unfortunately my current career doesn’t lend itself well to long distance intermittent communications.  So I have a few years to figure this out of course but I’m very concerned that I won’t actually figure it out.

Stuff to do!

On the flip side, I can start planning for some things…

1.) How do we stay in contact while in the middle of the Pacific?

2.) What is the best or several best options for getting good weather data?

3.) How do we keep our children busy on long passages across the sea that could last 2-3 weeks each?


So many ideas in my head.  I need to start getting them down on paper..

There’s ssb, iridium, sailmail, wefax, siriusxm, buoyweather, home schooling, fishing, and many other things to look into….

More to come as I figure it out.