
With everything from blogs to books to magazines to videos, and whether it’s for information or for fun, here’s some reading we highly recommend (in no particular order).  We update this page regularly, so be sure to check back often!

Our Websites

Awesome Services We Use

Cool Products We’ve Found

Handy How-To’s

Other Cruising Websites

  • Mid-Life Cruising:  Ken and Cheryl are empty-nesters who have yet to begin their cruising adventure.  Like us, they’re wondering if the adventure will ever become a reality!  But, they’re getting closer with each post.
  • Sailing with Totem:  Having left homeport in 2008, s/v Totem boasts one of the more experienced blogger-crews out there.
  • Women and Cruising:  Regardless of your x-chromosome count, you’ll find this website chock full of excellent advice, ideas, and resources for cruising.
  • Windtraveler:  It’s cruising, with 3 under 3!  They’re doing it, and you can too.
  • Voyage of the Rocket Science: 2006 Sailing voyage from Providence, RI to Cork, Ireland in 13 days, 9 hours
  • The New Adventures of s/v Rocket Science: The blog of TJ, Jenny, and their dog Baxter who live aboard Rocket Science currently and travel the world.

Online Retailers We Trust

Just for Fun

  • BoatPolls:  Exactly what it sounds like.  Great for hours of idle boat polling fun.
Photo courtesy Jeremy Brooks
Photo courtesy Jeremy Brooks

Support us and support yourself by purchasing some of this stuff we highly recommend. Be sure to check out the various categories on the left, including books and galley.
